Pink Hits Back at Troll Who Says She 'Got Old'

P!nk has called aging a "blessing" after she clapped back at an online troll calling out her appearance. 

After sharing the news that her 'Summer Carnival tour' was adding more dates, one user commented “Pink got old.”

Others were quick to defend her saying, “It’s almost like people age as time goes on?” and “This just in, people age." 

It was ultimately P!nk who chimed in with the ultimate clapback. 

“Yes, although I don’t feel old, and I still get to wear a leotard to work, growing older is actually my first “grateful” every day."

“What a blessing to have life, years. To be this strong, to be able to still piss off complete strangers just by existing. F--- yeah times 44!”

This isn't the first time she has clapped back at hater. Previously, she has responded to someone else who criticised her for aging naturally. 

“You must be from L.A." she said when someone commented saying she looked “so old that should be named Purple instead.”

“Well, there are a few people left in the world that choose to age naturally. And I’ve earned every f---ing minute of my 38 years. How you lookin’ though? ‘Cause I never heard of ya ’til you put my name in your mouth. I shall call you little purple troll.”

After her response, she then sent a tweet making her stance on aging clear.

"I am of the mindset that it’s a blessing to grow old — that if your face has lines around your eyes and mouth it means you’ve laughed a lot. I pray I look older in 10 years, ’cause that will mean I’m alive."

She also clapped back at someone who criticised her for sharing a family photo publicly on Instagram. 

“Yes I like to promote healthy stuff. I also like to remind people to stop being TOTAL D— BAGS TOO. Consider this your reminder, f---o.”

The commenter replied with, “and well damn, I was coming to see ya Sunday night in Nashville…still love the music."

Pink then responded with, “that doesn’t change my answer. That just makes you confused.”

In September, she revealed she used an unflatteringly Photoshopped picture to teach her daughter Willow a lesson about online bullying and "ignorance." 

"I just showed my 12 year old daughter your post. I explained to her that I've never met you, I don't know you, and I have no idea why you would go out of your way to be hateful."

"It was a good lesson in ignorance. Thank you. I still don't know you Congrats. You're no one."


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