CNN Political Correspondent Abby Phillip Gives Birth To First Child


Abby Phillip from CNN has welcomed her first child, a baby girl named Naomi Angelina Richardson, with husband Marcus Richardson. She weighed 7 pounds, 6 ounces at birth.

"Marcus and I are so happy to announce that Naomi Angelina Richardson arrived bright and early on on Monday (August 16th) morning perfectly happy, healthy and ready to eat. Mom and baby are feeling great."

"Her first name means 'pleasant one' and she is already living up to it and spoiling her mom and dad as a blissfully calm baby. Her middle name Angelina is a tribute to my beloved maternal grandmother who passed away in 2014." 

CREDIT: Abby Phillip

The pregnancy was announced on the cover of The Cut's March 2021, during an interview between Abby and Gayle King.

On March 22nd, she posted an image of the cover captioning, "I shot this cover when I was 4 months pregnant and I can't wait to tell my baby girl that she was on the cover of a magazine. There are no words. The experience of pregnancy has only made me become more in awe of what we as women are able to endure."

She explained how the first few months of her pregnancy weren't easy. "It was tough: battling morning sickness while balancing a demanding job with long, unpredictable hours. But it has been a reminder of what I am capable of - and what so many women do every day."

Her new mum life will be extremely busy as she's writing a book about Jesse Jackson's 1988 presidential run and will be continuing to host her CNN show, Inside Politics.

CREDIT: Elizabeth Fogarty


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